Wednesday, May 21, 2008

New blog..

Well, I've finally decided to start a blog. Everyone else has one, so why not! There's nothing really new around here. I'm still just working and going to school. I had a 2 week break, which was nice. But its good to be back, I guess. School is going slow. Mostly because I never have anyone to come in. I think I've destroyed Jenny's nails, and my mom is tired of coming in and sitting for 3 hours. However, I think Erik is planning on getting some nice blended tips! To add length to his nails. Right Erik? Grandma Pat has been coming in to get her nails painted.. to pass off my polish changes. So at least I'll get that part out of the way. I still love my job. Its nothing much, but its fun. I actually think working puts me in a better mood. I've made some good friends... even if they are young! One new thing... Carson got a bike, and he LOVES It. It's a cute little yellow and black Tonka bike. We bought him an awesome helmet with pads to go along with it. They're pirates of the Caribbean... Elle will love them! I'll have to post of a picture of him with all of his gear on later. At first he was a little scared, but now he rides around like a big kid! He especially likes going around the kitchen counter..


Melissa said...

He is so cute...I love it! I can't believe how big he looks riding that bike around. I will come in and get my nails done..whatever you need to do. As long as I have a Diet Pepsi I can sit for hours LOL...

Kim said...

Addy asks to watch Carson riding his bike about ten times a day. He looks so big riding his bike!

David and Haylee Skaggs said...

Katy I can't believe how big Carson is!! He is growing SO fast!!! And I SO need my hair colored! The girl who used to do mine moved away!! So Ill have to come in!!!

Melissa said...

this is kylie on my moms thing but i updated my blog so you shuold look